I'm sure most TeX user depends on BiBTeX.
BiBTeX is a system to manage paper references. In other words, an automatic-generation system of citation list. It is really nice that such a useful system is freely distributed with TeX package, while a similar software for Microsoft Word costs several hundred dollars.
The biggest problem of BiBTeX is the effort required to write an entry for a .bib file. Even if one want to copy a citation in another paper, he need to convert the citation into a BiBTeX entry, like this. Don't you ever think why we cannot cut-and-paste the citation?
That is why I wrote the makebib.perl script. Although it is still in a very primitive level, I put it on the web so you can try it.
Currently the script supports only English citation for article / book / incollection / techreport. No support for (in submission), (to appear) and so on. Try copying an entry from publication list into the box below, and you will see something like a BiBTeX entry.
Please note that there is no warranty on the result of script. Assume the result contains some mistakes (but correcting them is easier than writing from scratch). Even if the script contains a severe bug, I cannot promise to fix it; I distribute the script itself under GPL, so I'm happy if you update the script. If you can send a patch for me, I'm happy to try merging it.
Sample: Download makebib.perl 1.0 (Distributed under GPL)