Simple Perl HTTP Proxy

I just need some transparent proxy program that saves the files transferred. However I found that HTTP::Proxy module is still bogus (as of version 0.20), so I had to make it from scratch. The following is the simple Perl script doing that. I suspect this works only on HTTP, not on FTP and others.

#  Simple HTTP Proxy Program using HTTP::Daemon.
#  (c) 2007 by Takaki Makino

use strict;

use HTTP::Daemon;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new( 
	LocalHost => "localhost",  # remove this to listen from other machines 
				   # (i.e. open-relay... be careful of spammers!)
	LocalPort => 8080
) || die;
print "[Proxy URL:", $d->url, "]\n";

# Avoid dying from browser cancel

# Dirty pre-fork implementation
fork(); fork(); fork();  # 2^3 = 8 processes

while (my $c = $d->accept) {
        while (my $request = $c->get_request) {
		print $c->sockhost . ": " . $request->uri->as_string . "\n";

		$request->push_header( Via => "1.1 ". $c->sockhost );
		my $response = $ua->simple_request( $request );

		$c->send_response( $response );

		# Save the response content into file
		if( ($request->method eq "GET" || $request->method eq "POST") 
			&& $response->is_success && length($response->content) > 10 )
			my $uri = $request->uri->as_string;
			$uri =~ s#/#_#g;
			open(F, ">$uri") || print "Cannot write $uri\n";;
			print F $response->content;
			close F;